
Five tips for Travelling when you’re a Sports Fan

When you’re travelling to following your favourite sports team or planning on going to a big event like the Olympics, there are things you need to remember. Whilst your regular holiday involves the bare necessities: flights, accommodation and packing – things are a bit more nuanced when you’re travelling as a sports fan. These five tips will ensure that your trip is a success:

Acclimatise with the local area before the main event

Big sporting events attract huge crowds which can be overwhelming if you’ve never been to the area before. By taking the time to explore the area, scout out the public transport arrangements and places to grab a bite to eat a day or two before the event you will save yourself some unnecessary stress.

Keep an eye on the internet for information regarding fixtures and results

By checking websites like BBC Sport or Coral for vital updates about the fixtures you will stay ahead of the game. This is especially important if you’re thinking of placing a bet on the match or game as you will need to be as well informed as possible. Big events like the Rugby World Cup, for instance, often have pages dedicated to them full of interesting information that is well worth a read.


Give yourself enough time to get over jet lag

This tip is only really applicable if you are travelling long distances to attend an event. If you’re flying across the world then jet lag may be a problem. It’s best to give yourself an extra day or two to rest and relax before enjoying the events as otherwise you will be on a completely different time schedule to everybody else!

Don’t forget to bring the sensible items

Yes, you’re going to be having fun and probably drinking a lot but that doesn’t mean you can forget the essentials. If you’re going to a sunny country you will need to bring sun cream and a hat to stop you becoming sunburnt or worse suffering from sunstroke. Similarly, remember to drink lots of water – especially if you’re on the booze- as you could easily become dehydrated if you’re focusing on the sports.

Keep an eye on your belongings at all times

Sports events are often a lot of fun but sometimes they can attract negativity as thieves tend to see them as a good opportunity. By keeping your wallet in a money belt and keeping an eye on your expensive items like your phone, camera and tickets for further events you can minimise your chances of being targeted.

I am Adam, an event traveller and a Digital Marketer. Contact me for anything related to this site or anything else. I am passionate about online businesses so would love to hear from you. Happy Reading.

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